Baby Marrow | Zucchetti

Baby Marrow Zucchetti (6 seeds)

Bush type squash bearing elongated marrows off the stem that are at their best when harvested young.

Type – Baby Marrow

Variety – Zucchetti
Plant group – Pumpkins, Melons, Cucumbers
Seasonal – August, September, October, November, December
Uses – Vegetable
Origin – Swiss Bio Selection

Planting Instructions

Direct plant 2cm deep in groups of 3 seeds, spacing groups 90x90cm in full sun. Protect from strong winds.
Germination: 7 – 10 days at 20°-30° C.
Care: Water medium & Fertilization high.
Good Companions: Herbs, Beans, Maize, Salads.
Bad Companions: Tomatoes, Peppers, Potatoes


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**Seeds are strictly for souvenir novelty and/or genetic preservation purposes only. Germination of cannabis seeds is strictly limited to states or provinces in which it is legal to do so. Owls Roost SA accepts NO responsibility or liability for any use that does not comply with local, state or Federal law.**

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**Seeds are strictly for souvenir novelty and/or genetic preservation purposes only. Germination of cannabis seeds is strictly limited to states or provinces in which it is legal to do so. Owls Roost SA accepts NO responsibility or liability for any use that does not comply with local, state or Federal law.**

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